Quality is one of the main foundations of Farpajooh Engineering Company. One of our biggest strengths is our laboratory solutions and our vision of being the best in our field.
Quality is the most important principle
In the modern age, special requirements are required for laboratory solutions and scaling. The laboratory platforms of Farpajooh Engineering Company have been designed and built with the cooperation of expert users and with complete tests and quality guarantees. We have been able to produce a wide range of products and provide them to our customers by using purposeful designs and with confidence in the performance, design, flexibility and modular capabilities of structures. Performance and design are an important part of our final products. All structures of Farpajooh Engineering Company are made of the highest quality raw materials and have the ability to withstand the harshest laboratory conditions for years.
Great importance
All shapes and raw materials of structures are the result of careful design and testing to ensure the correct and good impact, as well as optimality and safety.
Quality local production and import of the best goods
Many products of Farpjooh Engineering Company are made in our factory located in Tehran and many others are made by the best factories and European brands. Due to local production in Iran, our products bring customers product integration, high quality and reliable and timely transportation, guarantee the possibility of re-ordering and fast service.
Well-known regional brand
Farpjooh Engineering Company follows the correct structuring processes and ISO 9001: 2008 rules. In recent years, Farpajooh Engineering Company has been a supplier of supplies and services to many laboratories, companies, factories and universities in Iran and the Middle East.
Also, design, construction and execution of projects of Farpajooh Engineering Company, following the requirements and standards of the world such as ISO 17025, ASHRAE110, EN 14175, EN 13150: 2001, ISO 3864, NF XO8003 NROM and 92/58 / CEE, has the highest quality level Optimal and safe are considered.